Actor vs Witness
Have you ever found yourself mechanically performing Salah, fasting, or reciting the Qur’an, almost like an actor playing a well-rehearsed role? Many of us approach our rituals with precision and dedication, which is undoubtedly commendable. However, this adherence often focuses more on the form rather than the essence of worship.
This role of the actor is deeply rooted in all of us. We are acutely conscious of the external aspects of our worship—the hows and whens. This is crucial, but it’s just the first step. True spiritual growth begins when we evolve from being mere actors to becoming witnesses.
The Journey from Acting to Witnessing
In the Islamic tradition, witnessing—Ihsan—is the pinnacle of spiritual maturity. It is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and although we see Him not, we firmly acknowledge that He sees us. This profound state of awareness transforms every act of worship into a moment of deep connection with the Divine.
Consider our daily activities: a walk in the park, observing the intricate details of a flower, or the quiet contemplation of the night sky. As actors, we might pass these moments without thought. As witnesses, each becomes a vivid sign of Allah’s presence, a reminder of His craftsmanship and magnificence. Even the mundane becomes imbued with the potential for reflection and remembrance (Dhikr).
Shahadah: A Declaration of Witnessing
Our Shahadah, “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger,” is itself a declaration of witnessing. It’s not merely a statement of faith but a commitment to see and reflect on Allah’s presence in every aspect of our lives. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exemplified this in his life, where every action reflected a profound consciousness of his Creator.
Ramadan: A Time to Transition from Acting to Witnessing
This Ramadan, let’s strive to move beyond the role of actors on a divine stage to become witnesses in a world brimming with signs of Allah’s presence. Let your fasting, your prayers, and your recitations be acts of witnessing Allah’s mercy, creativity, and majesty. Engage deeply with the Quran, not just as a book to be read, but as a conversation with Allah, as if He is speaking directly to you.
And in the last ten nights of Ramadan, be a witness to the magnificence of these sacred moments, seeking Laylatul Qadr, a night that is better than a thousand months. Approach this time with heightened awareness, embracing the opportunity to witness the beauty of divine mercy unfolding.
May this Ramadan be the moment we transition from performing our acts of worship to truly witnessing Allah in all that we do.